Just Me

Who Are You?

This little trope was making the blog-rounds a while back, and I was fortunate to be tagged. I haven't really had much time to write a post lately, with trying to regain my sanity and learning to "tough-love" my husband without people thinking I'm a monster (like I give a fuck, well, yeah, I desperately give a fuck).  And I do love my husband for all that he does for me. He is with me during my highs, lows, in betweens and when I need him to dig me out an extra Klonopin because people are being extra stupid. 

Anyway. Here are some questions, the answers to which will make a blog post, which I definitely need right now. The things I'm thinking about these days are too complicated and take too much focus and it's all I can do to keep getting up at dawn and race around doing everything, everything, everything because it's tax season and my ex and I are fighting over earned income credits and who's claiming what kid. I just want to leap off a building, face up and just enjoy the ride and the awesome view. When I am done dreaming about my leap, Its time to finish getting ready to PCS from Fort Hood, TX to West Branch, MI. Yay! I can't wait. Never mind, I can be miserable here just fine. 

So. Um. Yeah.

1. Where were you born?
Well that's not very specific. I was one of the lucky babies to be born in the hospital and not in a bathroom stall on prom night. However, there are times that I think to myself after a conversation with my mother, "Why didn't she just flush me and save herself the time and energy it's going to take to be a mother?". So we know that I was born in a hospital but I was also born in Ector County in Odessa, Texas. The land of no where. You can stand anywhere and just see nothing for miles. Odessa sometimes is also referred to as Midessa. Midland is a town next to Odessa and they are known for their football team. At least Odessa has something to brag about. In case you haven't watched it, go rent the move, Friday Night Lights. That movie was based off the football team in the town I was born. I know, way too much for a simple question. Well I am far from being a simple person. I try to keep it as complicated as possible.
2. Were you named after someone?
But of coarse I was with a name like "Mechelle Marie". The "Mechelle part came from the famous Beatles song "Michelle my belle" There is an "E" in my name but in the song it is an "I". My mom threw the "E" in there because that's how the french pronounce the name "Michelle", so you hear the "E" and not the "I". Now the "Marie", Marie was the first name of my great grandmother on my mothers side. I grew up my whole life with her. Unfortunately she passed in 2002, two weeks before my son Nikolas was born, which would have been the first great grandchild in our family as well as having Five Generations all alive and together. It is very rare to have Five Generations all together like that. I really wish she could have been there for that but I guess God, just had a different plan for all involved.
3. How many children do you have?

I have two sons whom are the loves of my life. Nikolas, 10 and Adrian, 8. I may have gave them life but they gave me life also. Once I became a mother I was a whole different person. I now had someone that depended on me and it helped me grow up. Granted I wasn't 16 when I had them, I was 21 and 23 at the time of their births and to me that was still too young. I was still a kid (legally an adult) in a manner of speaking. But my boys formed me into the mother I have become and that is the greatest gift that I could ever receive.   
4. How many pets?
UH, No Thank You. I will pass on that one. 
5. What's the worst injury you ever sustained?
That is kinda a hard one for me. Ya know growing up every kid gets bumps and bruises. Falls out trees, while playing the woods, etc. I just recently had my 33rd surgery in 12 years but they were all for health issues. But I will say that the cause of my 30th surgery was after I tried breaking up a fight between my friend Mike and some guy we didn't know at a party. And he was so much bigger than me and I had to get Mike off this guy before he killed him, so I jumped up and wrapped my right arm around Mike's neck and just pulled back as hard as I could. I did succeed in breaking up the fight but I also succeeded in bringing both of us down a flight of pavement stairs, then us two landing on top of a girl who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The fall damaged the placement of my InterStim device in my lower back, so I had to have surgery for that. The surgery was fine. The Fall, not so much it sucked big time. But I did get Mike off the other guy. That's when I was given the title "Mechelle The HammerBone Gonzales". 
6. Do you have any special talents?
 Isnt being me, talent enough?
7. Favorite thing to bake?
Anything and everything. Especially the ones that pays. I used to own my own baking company, so there was never a day that I didn't smell like cake batter or butter cream icing. But my absolute favorite thing is my Pineapple Upside Down Cake, that I cook in a cast iron skillet on top of the stove.  

8. Favorite food?  
My homemade chicken lomein and lumpia. It's also a favorite of everyone who tries it. I only make it a few times a year because it takes a while to make it all. I am constantly having to tell friends, "NO", sorry I am not making Lomein and Lumpia. Maybe another time, maybe next year. Yes! It's that good.

9. Would you bungee jump? 
It depends. Only if it was a guarantee that the rope would snap mid jump and I would fall to my much anticipated death. This is not a joke. Yes, my life gets on my nerves that bad.

10. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their demeanor. Once I talk to someone, within the first minute I will be able to tell if I will like them or not. 98% of the time I don't like anyone that I meet. I am pretty content with just having the handful of friends that I have. I really don't need anymore. It took me years to fish through the many people I have met along the way to find the precious few that I have kept.

11. When was the last time you cried?
Every morning when I wake up and realize that my dad is gone and it wasn't a horrible dream. 
12. Any current worries?
Too many to count, but the most important ones is my health and our move to Michigan in a few weeks. The Army just loves uprooting families. In a way it's good, especially if I am living or near people I can't stand. Moving fixes that problem.

13. Name 3 drinks you drink regularly.
1) Sweet Tea. I was raised in the south and grew up drinking sweet tea. I can drink a gallon myself a day.
2) Dr.Pepper. Also a favorite of mine. Growing up whenever we had sodas, there were always Dr.Peppers in the fridge. That is my soda of choice.
3). Water. Water is simple and easy, not to mention good for you also. Sometimes it is just easier to grab a bottle of water and be on my way. 

14. What's your favorite book?
 It is extremely hard for me to choose just one. I am an avid book reader and collector. A couple of years ago my husband bought me a "Nook", so I could just download books and read them like that, instead of carting 3 or 4 books with me everywhere I go. Not to mention the part about my husband getting tired of having to lug boxes upon boxes of books every time we move. This should tell you how much I love a good old fashion book. You know, just sitting there, reading and being able to smell the pages of a book, especially an old one. Anyway, I am getting off topic here. So my husband buys me this "Nook" so I go to Barnes and Noble to buy me a cute and fancy cover for it. I find this beautiful teal blue one, so of coarse I purchase it, along with 13 hard cover books and a renewed subscription to the Barnes and Noble reward club. Yup! I have a bad book habit. But my favorite genre of books are biography's, mainly focused on the Kennedy's. I have loved learning and reading about the Kennedy's for years. My absolute favorite Kennedy book is called "The Kennedy Curse". It goes on and on about basically all the bad luck that the Kennedy's have had, when and where it allegedly began and which ones it has effected. So on and So on. I am currently reading a book called, "Killing Kennedy, The end of Camelot". It is awesome. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is a Kennedy fan.

15. Would you like to be a pirate?
UH YEA! Who wouldn't? Pirates are awesome. Kinda like how cool being a Ninja would be. I could have a peg leg and drink all the Captain Morgans Rum that I wanted. I would have a really cool yacht with a big pirates flag flying. Anyone who knows me, knows that I wont walk 20 feet near a thrift store, let alone hang out on an old Pirates Ship. Hence, the yacht. I am assuming that if I am a pirate, I can have any type of Ship "Yacht", that I want. But I definitely would not be like those Somalian pirates who kidnap real people, hold them for ransom and then when the ransom is paid, I still kill everyone and then the Coast Guard and Marines have to come shut my ass down. But yea, I'd like to be a pirate.

16. Favorite smells?
OOOH! That's a hard one for me, but I will narrow it down to my top three since I can't pick a top #1. *The smell of a newborn baby.
*The smell of my husbands pillow in the morning when I roll over to his side of the bed when he gets up in the morning. 
* Hello Kitty's signature perfume

17. Why do you blog?
To be totally honest, it is one of the only things that seems to keep me sane 98% of the time. Focusing my unused energy on something that relaxes me and calms me down is definitely a favorite of mine. I'm able to just let go and say whatever I feel or want without anyone putting in their unwanted two cents. It's like when I am on here writing on my blog, this is my quiet place to dream and share all my inner most thoughts.

18. What song do you want played at your funeral?
 "Rocky Racoon" by The Beatles

19. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
Well I have been told a time or two or three that not many people care for my honesty. I tend to say whatever the majority of the time. My doctor said that I have no filter and has given me medicine for it, The meds have helped a bit but I still tend to say exactly whats on my mind, always at the wrong moments of coarse. But I figure it is easier to tell a lie than the truth and most are willing to believe a lie before the truth, so why not keep it real, and just say what I have to say. They don't say "The truth hurts" for no reason.

20. Favorite hobby?
Books and Music..... I can sit down and read for hours. I have actually read a 4 book series in three days. I just sat there non stop reading because I was so swept up in the books. It was just too good to put down. My husband kept telling me that I needed to get some sleep. And I would say, "As soon as I am done". It was the Twilight Saga Books. And then there's Music. I love love love music. Any and all music. I like to think that it is a Sandoval thing. That music is just a part of who we are.

21. Name something you've done, you never thought you would do?
I never thought that I would have children because I never wanted them to be honest. I was never that girl who couldn't wait to grow up, get married and have kids. I was the girl in Mexico doing too many shots of Tequila so kids weren't really on my mind or my schedule for like ever. But then I have gave birth to two beautiful, bright, brilliant, balanced, brave, bashful, bouncing and beloved boys. Nikolas KeAloha and Adrian KeAlii. I may not have wanted children but as soon as I got them, I was in love. I don't care what people say, There is no Love like a mothers love.
22. What do you look for in a friend?
Funny Story! I like em poor (here's some money), without a place to live (here's my couch), without a job, (here's some money), And last but not least, my favorite, Mechelle my drivers license has been permanently revoked for the state of Texas, due to all of my misdemeanors, my car was impounded upon my last arrest and I really need to go to the store, (Here's the keys to my brand new $40,000 truck, don't drink and drive and don't get pulled over, and call me when you get there). Signed-My husband is going to kill me if anything happens to my truck, well I just wont tell him, unless something actually happens, then Ill just say I don't know whats going on, I was sleeping.

23. Favorite fun things to do?
Getting on people nerves among other things. The list is really too long. But I do enjoy all the time and energy I spend at Darnall Army Medical Center, firing doctors while threatening the careers of the interns and reminding them all that I have the III corps, Major General's phone number on speed dial.

24. Pet peeves?
Oh this one is great. And it wont take long at all. "Mechelle + People = Pet Peeves. Damn that was quick, simple and to the point.

25. What's the last thing that made you laugh?
Sitting on my couch at 5am this morning watching my gay bff drunk off his ass, trying to cook General Tso's Chicken, while trying to clean. Then sitting in my door way in his underwear trying to eat but kept falling a sleep in his chicken and every once in a while he would sit back up and ramble about some odd off the wall topic. Needless to say, he did keep me entertained while my husband slept peacefully in the bedroom, even with all the noise we were making. Completely Hilarious.

*Now you. If you're a blogger that reads my blog, consider yourself tagged.....

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