Just Me
Life! It's just something that happens when you least expect it... So enjoy it!
So there's this thing called life, so I am told. There are times that I am a fan of it and at other times, I am life's worst enemy, Sure, I have a good life, most would say that it's a great one. It's filled with family, friends and the greatest of all, The Unexpected! My life is full of love, bright colors, clothes, shoes and all the hand bags a women could possibly want. So I guess I will retract my statement, I have a GREAT life. But it is not all the material things in my life that makes it so great. It's the love from my husband, the smiles on my boys faces, the places near and far that I have traveled. It's knowing that I have loved and been loved. Most people don't realize that the most important thing in life is love. With out love, you really don't have much. Your just there. Most people are afraid of love and some people use love in all the wrong ways. Just remember this. Fill your life with love, lots and lots of love. Dazzle it with music and color. Dance in the rain while wearing hot pink rain boots. Sing as much as you can. And last but not least, fill your life with family and friends. Choose your friends wisely and never take them for granted. You'll never know when you will really need them. Love your family like there is no tomorrow, because you never know what tomorrow will bring. Tomorrow is never promised. So live your life, love your life and one day when you least expect it, you'll realize that your 30 years old and life just kinda happened. You didn't plan for the life that you have but it's yours, so enjoy it!

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