Just Me

Have you ever felt like dancing in a fountain? Fully clothed? In the middle of the day? With people everywhere? I've seen someone do it, and the laughter and smiles tell you in a minute that the scene has just made every one's day. Most of us have crazy thoughts like that, but we don't act on them. Our frame of mind frames us in. It dampens our growth, stamps out our creativity, and wreaks havoc with our imagination. Daring to be wacky means stepping out of our comfort zones, taking a chance, and creating a life worth loving. Sure, it's risky-but so what?

Being wacky means following your heart. You don't have to be obnoxious or extreme; just be willing to step outside the box, let go of your doubts, and grab hold of the first opportunity that comes your way. Take music lessons. Go back to school. Make friends with an old rival. Volunteer for a charity. Run a race. Adopt a mutt. Try out for a play. Take a yoga class. The results will amaze you. Your never too old, too young, too rich or too poor to just do it. Ready? Set. Go!


                      LIVE OUTSIDE THE BOX

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