Just Me
                      In a world where bigger is always better...
                                             Think small!

Sometimes I think way too much. Don't get me wrong-thinking up really big, wild and crazy ideas is one of my favorite things to do. But life is also about finding the simple things that take our breath away and illuminate our tiny corner in the world. These tender moments give our lives deeper meaning and sometimes become out most treasured memories. Quite simply...they make our hearts tingle.

Moments like nuzzling a newborn baby's cheek and vowing never to forget that sweet smell. Or sitting on a porch swing with your grandmother and praying you'll always remember her voice. It's laughing at a silly joke between friends and hearing the echo of your own childhood giggles. It's watching a parade with a lump in your throat and your hand on your heart when the vets go by. It's waking up in the morning and really feeling grateful for one more day.

It's easy to get caught up in the rapture of life's brilliant, amazing and spectacular things. But in the end, we must always remember that life is really no big thing...it's a zillion little things, just waiting to be cherished. Now take a deep breath...and feel the tingle.

                   Life is no big thing... it's a zillion little things.

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