Just Me
                     Some days you Just Have to Act "As If"...

You know "as if" everything is okay, "as if" everything is normal, and "as if" everything is just business as usual (despite the fact that you know it's just and act).

Some people call it "fake it till you make it." but I like to think of it more as acting with faith. It's about believing in something you can't see or touch. It's about reaching deeper into yourself than ever before to find your true strength and courage...even if they're right alongside doubt and fear. And it's about ignoring the voices around you that tell you to give up.

Think of it this way: What if just around the corner a shiny brass ring is waiting for you? What if the rainbow's end is just around the bed,  its a pot of gold emblazoned with your name? What if you act "as if" for just one more minute? This is not the time to wimp out ans be a chicken. This is the time to press forward with faith. This is the time to put on your game face and act "as if" nothing were impossible. When you do, you will stand tall with conviction and pride, knowing you have finally created the life you've always imagined.

                Fake it till' you make it? I don't think so. Faith it!

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