Just Me

The Sandoval Boys (1st Generation)

So lets see..... There's
Ray-D2009, Virgil-D2012, Sandy-D2012 (Alfonso), Arthur (Arseno) and Fillie (Jose).
Ray AKA Uncle Ray

Virgil AKA Uncle Virgil

 Granny and her boys

Sandy (Alfonso) AKA Grandpa
My loving and timid grandfather, Sandy. I am really not sure how to begin with this one. I grew up barely knowing my Grandfather, My fathers, father. When I was a child growing up in Florida I do remember when he came to visit us with his mother, my Great Grandmother. His youngest daughter Sandra and her daughter Jordan came also. If it weren't for pictures I am pretty sure that I would have no memories of this even in my life. I remember my Granny making us Tortilla's and sugar cookies, every child's dream. As I grew older the dreams of one day seeing my father and grandfather grew closer. Shortly after turning 18 I embarked on a journey to Price, Utah to see my family. It was like time had stood still. Seeing my father and my grandpa fulfilled all of my dreams. Even though my visit there would be short, I knew that I would eventually return one day.
That day came in 2008 when I had briefly move to Roy, UT. I once again traveled to Price and had a nice visit. It was mainly a quiet one. For those who knew my grandfather and my father, knew that they were men on very few words. I eventually was attached to orders from the Army and moved to Fort Hood, Texas. Just when I thought I was getting to make up for lost time I was being sent 1300 miles away. All I had now was a very small amount of memories of my father and grandfather. Id often wonder when would we cross paths again. When would I get to sit and hear war stories and stories of this huge family I had. A family that no matter what, would always be there for me regardless if they knew me or not. We all shared the same blood, so I knew that one day our shared blood would bring us together, it was just a matter of when.
Well that day finally came. It came in the early morning hours of August 8, 2010 and in the form of a phone call. A call that still gives me nightmares and that proves my theory that time can and does stand still. The only words I remember was, Mechelle your father is dead. I quickly hung up the phone and called a more reliable source, my Uncle Danny. It was true, my father was gone. I made some phone calls, went to the mall to buy a dress and booked the next flight out of Austin, Texas and had shortly arrive at the Salt Lake City Airport. I was greeted by my Aunt Uilanie and a cousin I never even knew I had. Cousin Eddie. WOW, is he a character. He was like a grown male version of me. After waiting in the airport to greet my brother who was also flying in we got the call that he missed his flight. Again. Two years prior when my Grandmother passed my brother missed his flight. I think that I am starting to see a pattern here. Six hours later my brother was here. It was a bitter sweet moment. We hadn't seen each other in two years since my Grandma Hazel passed. We packed up all of our stuff in our cousin Eddies truck and ventured off to Price, Utah. Our sister would meet us the next evening for she and her family was driving all the way from Northern California.
Arthur (Arseno) AKA Uncle Arthur

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