Just Me

We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.....

So I was thinking today about my life, my family and the life as an Army Wife. And I remembered a saying that my friend King has up on his wall at the entrance of his back door. It says, "We may not have it all together, but together we have it all". I always wondered why he had that up there because to tell you the truth, we did have it all together. Granted there were times when we were a huge mess. And times when we acted like we were 18 years old. But what's the point of having a life, if your not going to live it, all the way. There was about 15 people who would pass through King's house every now and again but there were a precious few who was always at king's house. That definitely included me. There was a few times when I lived with him from 2008-2011. I didn't live there during that whole time but I did have my fair share of days living with him. Especially when I was deported from Japan. Yes and I know. That will be a story for another day.
When we were not together things just didn't seem the same. I was an Army wife whose husband lived in a different country than me and then he was deployed to Iraq, so I spent a lot of time in Utah with my gang, which I like to refer to as "The Strand of Three". That included my lively and out going friend King, my kind hearted and loving friend Sante and then there was me, the biggest mess of them all. The one thing that we had in common more than anything was our love for each other. We were together during the best of times but also the hardest of times. I was a blessed girl to have these wonderful men in my life. They always looked after me, loved me and took care of me when life wasn't getting any easier for me during my on and off times in Utah. King is in the Air Force and Sante used to be in the Air Force but now currently works as a civilian at the Air Force base.
Now there wasn't just my strand of three that were the close friends that was always at Kings house. There was Eric who was in the Air Force and the reason I met King. He was my neighbor when I lived in Japan, (before I was deported for over staying my welcome) and now he works for GE here in Texas which is where I currently reside. There is Gramps, who also was in the Air Force but now currently works for Lockheed Martin here in Texas also. Eric, Gramps and myself all live within about 2 1/2 hours from each other. We still talk every now and then and try to keep up with each others lives the best we can, but we are definitely not as close as we once were. Its kinda hard to be broken up from what we once all shared, which was a great life in Utah. But life goes on, people move on with their lives along the way and it's just a matter of time before we are all completely shuffled here and there and we all lose touch and just move on with our lives. Some of us may have moved away but we still try to keep in contact with "The Utah Gang" which is definitely not easy. Some of them have also moved on with their lives, got married and just doing their thing.

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