Just Me

Ms.Horton Hears a Who?

Ms.Horton Hears A Who?
Ms.Horton, what is that you hear?
Is that a "Who" you hear, or just Mechelle calling a Code Blue?
Oh I am so blue Ms.Horton. Especially when I have to sit in the clinics special blue room. There's a tiny person on that speck that needs my help! Maybe I should call another Code Blue! But when I do, no one ever comes running to check up on me. Is it because you just don't care, because you were busy doing squats or watching the clinic doors go click click click?
Listen Ms. Horton, I've gotta go. Apparently there's a problem with Captain Blue Face. This entire clinic is a house of death, a slow black death from the view down here, I think I hear a "Who" that's looking for Ms.Horton but why can she only hear Code Blues and not all the "Who's"? But I am sure you don't need me to tell you that. So before I go, Ill be more than happy to call another Code Blue, in honor of my love that's only for you, So don't be blue, Ms.Horton you know I love you!
Code Blue, Code Blue! Attention in clinic, Code Blue, Code Blue! Attention in the hospital, there's a Code blue at FMRC. Code Blue, Code Blue! Ms.Horton don't worry about the Code Blue, please, by all means finish your squats with your squat team. BOOOOOO! We're a club. We're a group. We can take a vote on the issues, or just fill out too many yellow comment cards. We can be a secret society, and no one else can join, unless they wear a funny hat, can do 250 squats a day and has their own stock pile of yellow comment cards at home.
Because, after all it is only Mechelle calling the Code Blue! And let's be honest no one will be coming when they realize it's Mechelle's Code Blue, you know this to be very true, oh you are my favorite "Who". Tell all the other "Who's" down in "Who Ville" to take their time with my Code Blue, because as I have taught you all, there is nothing fast about the slow back death, if it were it wouldn't be so slow.
Oh! How I wish for another Code Blue! But sometimes I think I am going to lose you due to the amount of my Code Blues. Ahaha! To the top of Mount Blue, as fast as lightning, away I go! It's just a straight plummet to a certain death, A fast black death maybe?, for those who don't require a Code Blue, especially when your a DNR like me. Oh please don't play with my emotions, that' so cruel especially while I am being so blue. Please, Please, Please, satisfy my needs for a Code Blue.
Whoa! I can feel the diplomatic processes beginning to break down! Nothing ever goes right in "Who Ville". Never has, never will. I do suspect things will change once I PCS Major Baird, you bluthering boob. Your way too blue for me and all the other "Who's". The only difference between this "Who" and the other "Who's", is you don't scare me. And that's pretty damn blue. I suggest you resign your commission and do us all a favor and maybe that way we won't be so blue, even if it's over a hot mess that happens to be you.
 Just this once, be faithful 99 percent of the time! I mean, I've never gone 99 percent on anything except for filling out yellow comment cards and telling the Major General about how bad FMRC has become since someone gave you a medical licence for some reason, and I think I'm awesome. So this "Who" is out! So, Ms.Horton, was it a "Who" that you heard or just another Code Blue?


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