Just Me
   An Unworthy Remnant

Out of the dark a remnant rises ,muddy, disoriented ,blinded by an unapproachable light . Drawn to the warmth, she begins to pursue. Not knowing which direction to go, a gentle voice guides. ” Follow Me He says”, with an abandoned will to live she follows. Pursuing what feels like love she continues on. Bloody knees, bent back, wet eyes she searches for Him, straining just to see a glimpse of His face . As the remnant crawls, her feeble knees are strengthened , as she begins to walk her back stands upright. Her eyes are opened and her ears can hear Him clearly . Her childlike following has lead her to full blown sprint, a pursuit of righteousness. A promise is given between the two and He is not man that he should lie. The pursuit she feels turns into a longing in her heart to go back to where he found her and simply reach ! As she turns He strengthens her fingers for war and equips her hands for the battle ahead. No longer is this about her, it is about them ! A longing to rescue those being led away to the slaughter. She remembers the pit in which he took her from. Desperation in a heart that is fully abandoned ,a quickening spirit and bleeding hands lead the way. With every step there is a process, with every tear there is restoration , with every doubt , there is grace ! Unworthy she sits in awe of the majesty of His Love. She begins to groan whispers “who am I that You should be mindful of me ” weeping she knows she has been chosen but is not fit for this battle . Her knees begin to become weak once more and she falls to the ground in naked shame.. she sits in a broken place . He draws close.. and in her weakness He becomes her strength . “Be still and know that I Am”. She put her heart in His hands and He renews its ability to beat once more. She rests under the breath of her 1st love and hides out under the shadow of who He is . He reassures her that he would never leave her, that this battle outside is His, but she must choose to walk . He will defend and defeat the accuser, But she must first choose to pursue after Him . A promise of a better day rises and the hope of Heaven emerges over the mountain tops . Does she stay in hiding or does she continue on? Reflecting the Son on her face Her blood now turns into a fire in her bones . Understanding the call she now hears the voices of the others. She is not alone. Many choose to stay in the false safety of the abandoned buildings , but other rise out of the ashes. She rises unafraid and unashamed that they choose to follow what others can not see.

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